In the same city also, there is a stone, known as the "Fugi-
tive Stone;"[1] the Argonautæ, who used it for the purposes of
an anchor, having left it there. This stone having repeatedly
taken flight from the Prytanæum,[2] the place so called where
it is kept, it has been fastened down with lead. In this
city also, near the gate which is known as the "Trachia,"[3]
there are seven towers, which repeat a number of times all
sounds that are uttered in them. This phenomenon, to which
the name of "Echo," has been given by the Greeks, depends
upon the peculiar conformation of localities, and is produced
in valleys more particularly. At Cyzicus, however, it is the
effect of accident only; while at Olympia, it is produced by
artificial means, and in a very marvellous manner; in a portico
there, which is known as the "Heptaphonon,"[4] from the circumstance
that it returns the sound of the voice seven times.
At Cyzicus, also, is the Buleuterium,[5] a vast edifice, constructed
without a nail of iron; the raftering being so contrived
as to admit of the beams being removed and replaced
without the use of stays. A similar thing, too, is the case
with the Sublician Bridge[6] at Rome; and this by enactment,
on religious grounds, there having been such difficulty experienced
in breaking it down when Horatius Cocles[7] defended it.
1. "Lapis Fugitivus."
2. A public place where the Prytanes or chief magistrates assembled,
and where the public banquets were celebrated.
3. Or "Narrow" gate, apparently. Dion Cassius, B. 74, tells a similar
story nearly, of seven towers at Byzantium, near the Thracian Gate; and
"Thracia" is given by the Bamberg MS. It is most probable that the two
accounts were derived from the same source.
4. )Epta/fwnon "seven times vocal," Plutarch also mentions this
5. Bouleuth/rion the "senate house" or "council-chamber."
6. It was the most ancient of the bridges at Rome, and was so called
from its being built upon "sublices," or wooden beams. It was originally
built by Ancus Martius, and was afterwards rebuilt by the Pontifices or
pontiffs. We learn from Ovid, Fasti, B. v. 1. 621, that it was still a
wooden bridge in the reign of Augustus. In the reign of Otho it was
carried away by an inundation. In later times it was also known as the
Pons Æmilius, from the name of the person probably under whose superintendence
it was rebuilt.
7. See B, xxxiv. c. 11.